Jazz just landed safely in New York! On Wednesday, January 9th, she’ll report to SOCIETY MODEL MANAGEMENT and begin working with Kwok Kan Chan, formerly the scouting director for Marilyn Model Management. Kwok is well recogn…ized and respected in the industry and is now leading the staff at SOCIETY MODEL MANAGEMENT. He’s known for being selective and only working with “the few”. Here WE go! 🙂 sd

Jazz May 2012 Testing Image 51

MDC: Well you’re known to have one of the best eyes in the business. What is it about a new girl that stops you dead in your tracks and think, “I must, must scout this girl?”

Kwok: It’s energy. It’s the confidence. If you’re sitting in a park and there are ten million people walking back and forth, why does that one person grab you? It’s that energy, that inner strength. There are millions of beautiful girls out there but you look for the one with that aura. Of course the physicality is the starting point but when you’re scouting, flying all over America, going to those conventions, that modeling school, how do you distinguish the stars? Their aura!

MDC: What would you say are the worst things an aspiring model can do that will turn you off as a scout?

Kwok: One thing that bothers me is a girl who keeps calling asking “Did you see my pictures?” Again and again. That’s like interviewing for a job and calling the office everyday to say did I get the job? The other thing is attitude. Lack of sincerity. Fakeness. This is my job to deal with people constantly…so I can tell when someone is being fake. I’d rather see a shy girl who doesn’t say much but is sincere rather than someone being phony. Let’s say it’s a girl at a convention. At first she’s smiling at everyone, then she gets 30 call backs and the personality changes. That’s a bad sign. The people who I am really interested in are the ones with that open personality. A lot of times if you notice, it’s the girls who are convinced that they should be models are the ones who never become models. Arrogance and knowing-it-all will turn off agents, photographers. The people who are more calm about the whole idea of modeling usually have a better feel.

MDC: In other words it’s important to come to the table with an open mind.

Kwok: Exactly. It’s the scout’s job to pre- screen. You can know that a fashion girl is around 5ft 9, you know great skin helps and if you have that look then that can be your goal. Or you can be more of a girl-next-door commercial type and that’s your goal. Pose naturally, simple pictures with no make-up and let things take their course.

Kwok: That’s so true because a lot of the time I like to take a Polaroid and afterwards I’ll be able to tell. Even though a girl might be, to my eyes, visually beautiful, if I take a Polaroid and it’s not there then…..And sometimes there’s a girl who I’m not sure about but then the Polaroids capture something and that changes everything. Because you think.. if a Polaroid can come out like this then you know with hair, make-up and a professional photographer it can be that much greater.

Jazz met with Kwok and his staff this morning and they already have her card underway. She looks so fierce… GO JAZZY! 🙂 mamaD


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