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Brett Goldstein

MLC LOVES this FACE!! We’re very thankful for New York Acting Coach, BRETT GOLDSTEIN, for always making himself available to help coach our young actors for special auditions. So from Blake Jacobs, Barrett Campbell, and Angie Tyler… THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH! #skypingNYC

Carlos Guevera

NOW REPRESENTING CARLOS GUEVERA… Just the mention of his name, MAKES US SMILE! Carlos, at age 16, captured heart strings when he stepped into the entertainment industry as a contestant on X Factor. Carlos finished in 13th place on season 3 of the X Factor USA. He was a part of the boys category, mentored by…

Jasmine in Ralph Lauren

WE LOVE Jasmine’s latest look for RALPH LAUREN Spring 2014! Also, a BIG CONGRATULATIONS to our sweetheart for moving into the Women’s Division of her New York Agency, THE SOCIETY MODEL MANAGEMENT. Jasmine found out today she was moved from “development” to WOMEN. This is a HUGE accomplishment for a female model. Only the few from…

Congrats April Garrett!

Congratulations to this LOVELY LADY!! APRIL GARRETT is shooting video for AMERIS BANK today, after just shooting print last week for our “fabulous client”. We’re also excited about her daughter, CRYSTAL GARRETT, joining April in a video shoot for MUNGO HOMES later this month. Here’s to the Beautiful Duo!!

William Bennett

MLC Agency Now Representing WILLIAM BENNETT!! William is a N-A-T-U-R-A-L. He acts, sings, plays piano.. and steps up LIKE A BOSS to opportunities with no fear or hesitation. WE LOVE his attitude and passion for the industry. Welcome to the MLC FAMILY, William!

Amanda Bluestein

Congratulations to AMANDA BLUESTEIN for booking the female principal role in a DUKE ENERGY spot that shoots next month in Charlotte. She won’t tell you this, but it was a pretty “big deal” and this sweetheart auditioned LIKE A BOSS, and then left the casting (as usual) with a grateful heart for just having the…

Kelsey Chow – RUN

MLC Alumni RUNning fast toward Movie Stardom!! Disney XD’s, KELSEY CHOW, is quickly becoming a movie star. The Pair of Kings plays the lead female role in the indie “RUN”, about a Parkour expert (William Moseley aka “Peter” from The Chronicles of Narnia movies) who has to choose between being a thief or settling down…