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MLC’s child actor, #Jackson Drew, (aka #GENIUS JACKSON 🙂 will be on this Sunday’s show of “Little Big Shots”, w/Steve Harvey. Our little fella learned his colors at 12 months, knew his right from his left at 18 months, and was speaking in 15 word sentences around his 2nd bday. #CUTENESSintheOVERFLOW <3 “LIKE” https://www.facebook.com/TheRealGeniusJackson/ https://www.facebook.com/NBCLittleBigShots/videos/1758959181083000/?hc_ref=PAGES_TIMELINE


🙂 #HARD2BELIEVE this 15 year old was just a 4 yr.old munchkin when he joined our #agencyFAMILY. Seth Prince was a cutie THEN, and still a cutie NOW! These are snaps of Seth filming a commercial today in Charlotte. #OURSETHhasGROWNUP #TIMEFLIES #thisJERKEDmyHEART <3