MLC New Face in Development: HALEY ROHE
Height: 5’9.5″ Age: 17 (High School Senior)
Photographer: Parish Kohanim

To prepare Haley as a professional model, we started the process of test shoots with top photographers respected by model scouts and agencies in the industry. The tests unfold the beauty and confidence of a model in training. The tests also provide competitive images to help secure representation with top modeling agencies in various markets (nationally and internationally). The process of development positions our models to be taken seriously by agents and clients ~in other words~ the model is promoted and respected in a professional manner.

Haley has multiple agencies interested in representing her. Our job, as her mother agency, is to have her READY before she leaves “home”. Our models understand the importance of being (and remaining) FOCUSED. There are so many distractions and ridiculous games played by “the wolves” within our industry… but there are also many wonderful people in our industry who greatly care and know how to contribute to the building of a model’s career. Unfortunately though, there are many models who fall into a self-destructive lifestyle. Being unprepared mentally, emotionally, and physically will “slam-dunk” an unprepared model into a state of despair. Modeling is TOUGH. Our industry is selective and only “the few” (those who are FOCUSED) move forward in a successful manner.

In December, Haley had the opportunity to shoot with Parish Kohanim ~ a highly successful professional photographer that has done both commercial photo shoots as well as artistic photography for several decades. Parish Kohanim was named one of the Worlds top 100 photographers for the past three years.


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